For many pilgrims, tourists and art lovers, the Grossgmainer Marienwallfahrtskirche is one of the most important destinations on their journey to the Salzburg area. As one of the oldest and most artistic pilgrimages in the Salzburg region, the Church of the Mother of Grace "auf der Gmain" has a special religious and also cultural aura. With the "Beautiful Madonna", dating from 1395, and the magnificent Gothic panel paintings by the Master of Großgmain from 1499, the Church of Our Lady not only provides an eye-catcher for its guests.
For centuries, countless people have made pilgrimages to the pilgrimage church in the shadow of the legendary Untersberg mountain to ask for blessings and help. The two miracle tablets in St. Mary's Church from 1513 tell of the prayers heard through the intercession of Mary.
The actual miraculous image of the "Beautiful Madonna" from around 1400 shows Mary with the Child Jesus. Since the 15th century, the Madonna from Großgmain has been venerated as a miracle-worker. The pilgrims to "Our Lady of the Gmain" come with the hope that Mary cannot refuse any of her petitions. They express their faithful conviction in the well-known prayer of St. Bernhard.
Der Großgmainer Marienheilgarten wurde auf Initiative von Ing. Thomas Janschek und durch die Unterstützung von Pfarre und Gemeinde Großgmain sowie von vielen Helfern und Spendern von der Stiftung Grenzenloses Großgmain errichtet.

Pilgrims from all over Europe have been flocking to Santiago de Compostella since the 11th century, to one of the largest pilgrimage centers in the Occident, to the tomb of St. James, one of the 3 preferred disciples of Jesus. In the search for experienced spirituality or for themselves, people take toil on foot, by bicycle or on horseback on the "Camino", the Way of St. James. One of the oldest pilgrimage churches along the Way of St. James is the Marienwallfahrtskirche in Großgmain.
The so-called Master of Großgmain, whose major works were all created for the Salzburg area, is one of the most dazzling painter personalities of the late Gothic period. His art shows connections with that of the painter Rueland Frueauf the Elder and the Younger, who worked in Passau and Salzburg. In coloring and painting technique, however, it also bears direct Dutch traits. Name and origin of the master are unknown, however.
In addition to the statue of grace, the church contains another high-ranking art treasure of supra-regional importance. It consists of six complete and two further late Gothic panel paintings from 1499, which have been preserved in fragments and come from the former winged altar of the church and are among the most beautiful and valuable art treasures of Austria and southern Germany. Since the name of the artist is not known, he entered art historical literature after his main work as "Master of Großgmain".

Josef Meinrad was born on April 21, 1913 in Vienna and died on February 18, 1996 in Großgmain. As the fourth and youngest child of a streetcar driver, he started his career as an actor in 1930. He became famous as an actor of the Nestroy and Raimund characters. Meinrad celebrated probably his greatest success on stage as Don Quixote in the musical "The Man of La Mancha".
He became known to larger audiences primarily through his role as Oberst Böckel in the three "Sissi movies" with Romy Schneider.
Josef Meinrad lived in Großgmain for decades and was buried at his own request in our church cemetery.
Born on October 16, 1913, he counts among the most important Austrian composers of the 20th century. He was a composer of great productivity. He enriched all musical forms, from song to opera, from plays for young musicians to large orchestral concerts, from musical folk plays to passion, with masterpieces. He was unique as a creator of song melodies. With many of these song melodies he achieved folk-songlike breadth and depth. His special interest was in the youth. For them he wrote numerous songs, fairy tale plays and youth operas.

In Großgmain, much of the traditional customs have been preserved. Local culture, which is alive and has become an integral part of the village community.
The erection of the maypole in the open-air museum, as well as in
Josef Meinrad Park with traditional maypole climbing, specialties from the farmer's kitchen and festive folk music, has been a popular custom for many years with young and old. Beside church and ceremonial processions, concerts of the local traditional costume music band, festivities of the Christmas shooters, farmers' markets etc. the local course of the Großgmainer Krampus associations in December is one of the highlights of the numerous events in Großgmain.