A wanderer in search of the past time, finds in Großgmain and its surroundings places of power, which are still loaded with magic, myth and faith.
The village of Großgmain is located at the foot of the legendary Untersberg, where the Roman Emperor's idea of the Roman Empire was tied up in the Middle Ages with the name "Charlemagne" and which is still called "the magic mountain of Central Europe" by the Dalai Lama. In addition to dozens of legends surrounding Charlemagne, there are stories of the Untersberg churches, where high masses are celebrated at midnight, and the reports, which are still recurring today, of the caves where time stands still, of places that charge tired people with energy and of springs that provide healing.

The Untersberg Nature Park is the first region in the province of Salzburg to be declared a nature park.
An attractive excursion destination for young and old is the Untersberg Forest Quiz Trail, which aims to provide visitors with a great deal of knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants. The forest quiz folder to fill out is available at the office of the tourism association.
There is also a Kneipp hiking trail in the nature park, which is idyllically embedded at the foot of the Untersberg mountain. Get your metabolism and circulation going according to Kneipp's theory of order. Enjoy the relaxing effect for body and soul in the open air.